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It definitely felt like a vagina—I think the folded business is what made it. The only problem was that I kept thinking about how my mother used to make me baloney sandwiches when I was little. That sort of killed the mood. Skeeze factor: High. Baloney is universally agreed-on as the least classy meat in existence. The fact that we also combined it with the least classy style of couch black leather pushed the ickiness off the charts.
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But only when my husband is not around. Its hell. I get a certain satisfaction from letting go of a gas bubble that could fill a birthday balloon, but I doubt my SO would. Kinda like if you grabbed your face cheeks and pulled them out continuously.. Not sexual just funny. And my three chin hairs.
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Here's Why Dogs Sniff Your Crotch When You're On Your Period

Adrienne is a certified dog trainer, former veterinary assistant, and the author of "Brain Training for Dogs. In the vast repertoire of dog behavior, some behaviors make us laugh, others can be quite annoying, and others simply leave us baffled. Like when dogs obsessively lick other dogs. Whenever I see it, I just can't help but wonder what on earth dogs are thinking. Whether you own an adult dog or a puppy, obsessive licking is out of the norm.
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This has been weighing on my conscience for years and I hope you can help me resolve it. When I was a little kid, I was playing with my little puppy dog and somehow the dog ended up sniffing my crotch and I let him lick me there. It was an amazing experience for a 5-year-old—until Mom walked in and smacked the shit out of me for it. That was the end of it until I was bout 11 years old and then, bam, new puppy, same experience, except this time I was more careful about where and when the puppy and I played this little game. So many amazing orgasms!
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