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The solution to all of these is diversity. Change your speed, your grip, your preferred stimulation, use your imagination sometimes, edge sometimes…whatever works for you. After a while, you can become reliant on it. Failure with women becomes ok because you can still go home and jerk off.
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No Nut November: are there benefits to not masturbating for a month?

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People Tell Us About Their First Time Masturbating - VICE

Some guys who can, do. Contorting your whole body that way every single time you want to get off would get tiring and the risk of injury is potentially too high to be worth it. Do guys normally always jizz the same amount? Do they ever notice if their jizz is less or more that day? How common is it for guys to want to stick their finger up their ass while masturbating? It really depends from person to person. Again, it depends on the person and their individual sex drive.
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11 Dudes Confess The Truth About How Jacking Off Can Actually Hurt Them

If I could make money off the amount of times my girlfriends repeated this title, I would have a pretty decent and steady income. So why is it too common an occurrence that the majority of the male species are complete and total wastes of space? We women are nurturers and the majority of us like to do lots of nice things for our loved ones: fold laundry, make dinner, pick up their prescriptions, buy groceries, pay bills, clean the house, wash dishes, organize dates, help them buy clothes, give them compliments in front of their friends to boost their ego, we take care of our appearance and the list goes on. We want hugs, and lots of them.
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Masturbation has been shown to relax muscles, help you fall asleep, release endorphins, reduce stress and helps people to understand their own sexual responses. So why would someone choose to abstain from deez nuts for an extended period of time? But there are certain ideas surrounding particularly men's self-restraint, that persist in earnest.
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