Eating spinach, a green rich in appetite-suppressing compounds, can not only make you look better naked but increase blood flow below the belt. That may not sound sexy, but you're sure to enjoy the effects. Spinach is also rich in folate, which increases blood flow to the nether regions, helping to protect you against age-related sexual issues. Recent University of Texas findings suggests that men who drink two to three cups of java a day—or 85 to milligrams of caffeine from other beverages—are 42 percent less likely to have erectile dysfunction than those who consume up to seven milligrams of the stimulant daily.
The Top 7 Foods to Increase Penis Size (Length and Girth Gains)
8 Foods for Your Penis’s Blood Flow, T-Levels, and Sperm Count
Want to make your penis bigger without going under the knife? Incorporating this food into your diet could make your member longer naturally. Oysters are a well-known aphrodisiac — and knocking them back could give your intimate areas a boost. At a previous American Chemical Society meeting, scientists revealed how the bivalve molluscs can help you to feel better in bed. While this suggests that the seafood can be beneficial to libido, it may also give you stronger erections.
Research indicates that some specific nutrients—from common vitamins to lesser-known plant extracts—have demonstrated positive effects on very specific aspects of penile performance. Eat This Not That! And make your little guy look bigger by flattening your belly!
We often eat with our hearts and stomachs in mind, but how often do we consider how foods affect extremely specific body parts? First things first though: no matter what we eat, the benefits are holistic — it goes where our bodies need it. Instead of eating as if your penis needs special attention, fill your day with foods that optimize your whole body, and in turn, help your blood bring the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your penis needs to function.