The club is an initiative of the Gay Project designed to remove barriers to physical activity for the community. The club is social and non-competitive in nature — from time to time the club enters races for fun. It is comprised of runners with mixed levels of experience ranging from total beginners to more experienced. New members with experience are accepted throughout the year. First-time runners are welcomed to join our Couch to 5K programs.
Sakura on Sunday, June 30 from — p. Classes will take place every Friday at p. After a restorative yoga class, take in the sights and sounds August 12 Monday Tickets Vive Aug 12 — Nov 24 all-day Novato, California A free style dance where you can feel free to move the way you like.
All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. PDFs for back issues are downloadable from our online archives.
Project Runway is a gay show that moved from one gay network to another and appeals to a gay audience and includes scores of gay characters. The duo are still dating, living and working together; they started their own fashion line called WesFeld. The pair say they were trying to keep it private , a fallacy in reality TV.