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Sign in. Richard Dawson : Name something you sit in. Lois Griffin : A chair. Stewie Griffin : My own feces. Richard Dawson : A popular fruit.
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Meg Griffin

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Lois griffin in | Lois griffin, Family guy cartoon, Cartoon

Family Guy uses a floating timeline in which the characters do not age, and as such the show is always assumed to be set in the current year. In several episodes, events have been linked to specific times, though sometimes this timeline has been contradicted in subsequent episodes. Lois was born into the wealthy Pewterschmidt family from Newport, Rhode Island. Peter Griffin, her husband, was a towel boy at the family country club; Lois eventually fell in love with him, due to his low-class, easy-going manner, which she found more appealing than the stuffy, uptight suitors in her social circle. Lois was crowned Miss Teen Rhode Island, and wished to pursue a career in modeling. However her father thought that was beneath the dignity of the family. She teaches piano to supplement the family income, though she spends most of her time caring for her family, and has rarely been seen teaching piano in recent seasons.
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By creating an account, you verify that you are at least 13 years of age, and have read and agree to the Comicbook. However there is a moment featuring Peter and Lois Griffin and an yet unidentified third party in the episode that has Family Guy fans all over the Internet buzzing with speculation and worry. Are Peter and Lois possibly headed for a divorce? Take a look at the scene from "Bri, Robot" below and decide for yourself!
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Megan "Meg" Griffin is a fictional character in the animated television series Family Guy. Meg is the eldest child of Peter and Lois Griffin and older sister of Stewie and Chris , but is also the family's scapegoat who receives the least of their attention and bears the brunt of their abuse. She is often bullied, ridiculed, and ignored. Meg first appeared on television, along with the rest of the Griffin family , in a minute short on December 20, After the pilot was given the greenlight, the Griffin family appeared in the episode " Death Has a Shadow ".
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