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Wasted Dude Pissing on the Couch and Floor. -
This is a story of a real accident I had a few months ago. If you need a mental image, visit my tumblr at somewetguy. I had been hydrating for the gym when the phone rang. Last minute invite to a concert way up on the other side of Manhattan. I was already pissing clear at that point, but I figured why not scrap the workout and go see this show.
Use with caution. The British English speaker, on the other hand, is less likely to make the inverse mistake because the British are exposed to a lot more American TV and culture than the other way around. This confusion is a lot harder to make, but it can cause confusion.
The last thing I recall dreaming of was standing on a balcony and letting loose a stream of urine so powerful it would make those schmucks in the s Birmingham Police Department want more powerful hoses. I immediately wake up and notice a warm feeling slowly encompassing my entire lower region. I stumble into the connecting bathroom and feel immediate relief as I empty what used to be a fifth of Evan Williams into her sink. After addressing the immediate issue of having a piss geyser in my pants, I attempt to craft a detailed account of my situation. My pants are soaked to the point that the side of my shirt is wet; there is no way any of it either dries or, even if it does, smells good.