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This is a story of a real accident I had a few months ago. If you need a mental image, visit my tumblr at somewetguy. I had been hydrating for the gym when the phone rang. Last minute invite to a concert way up on the other side of Manhattan. I was already pissing clear at that point, but I figured why not scrap the workout and go see this show.
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Use with caution. The British English speaker, on the other hand, is less likely to make the inverse mistake because the British are exposed to a lot more American TV and culture than the other way around. This confusion is a lot harder to make, but it can cause confusion.
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The last thing I recall dreaming of was standing on a balcony and letting loose a stream of urine so powerful it would make those schmucks in the s Birmingham Police Department want more powerful hoses. I immediately wake up and notice a warm feeling slowly encompassing my entire lower region. I stumble into the connecting bathroom and feel immediate relief as I empty what used to be a fifth of Evan Williams into her sink. After addressing the immediate issue of having a piss geyser in my pants, I attempt to craft a detailed account of my situation. My pants are soaked to the point that the side of my shirt is wet; there is no way any of it either dries or, even if it does, smells good.
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