Also referred to as pee play or golden showers, these stories feature erotic play involving urination. Activities might involve peeing in front of someone, or on them or even drinking a lover's piss. A fetish in which a heady mixture of humiliation and intimacy are often woven tightly together. The discovery Glenn sat at his desk trying to come to grips with what a co-worker had just told him about his beautiful wife. He felt she had to have been wrong. Their sex had always been good and then she wanted him to piss on her and she wanted to do the same to him.
Peeing Stories Pissing Stories Best Erotic Pee Story
I love to hold my pee until I am desperate and then to pee in public places. It turns me on to wet my pants and think no one can tell. After morning coffee I walked the dog I look after. Rounding a fenced garden area I had to pee. As I do so I see a woman in a bathrobe watching me through a sliding glass door.
The earliest iterations of public restrooms reach back to 2, B. In , Paris introduced public restrooms along its most popular boulevards. Called pissoirs , the toilets were merely a line of urinals and a few toilets with a privacy-protecting screen running behind the urinators.
It was a Saturday in February and I was standing in a small, empty apartment five stories above 14th St. Soft winter light poured through the naked southern windows. My phone buzzed. I held it up to my face—which it recognized—and it unlocked itself and opened to Instagram. I saw the four-digit follower count at the top of the screen and a smirk escaped across my lips.