Ionizing radiation penetration

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α, β, γ Penetration and Shielding

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Types of Ionizing Radiation

NCBI Bookshelf. To understand how ionizing radiation can damage biologic systems, it is necessary to understand what ionizing radiation is and how it interacts with tissues in the body. There are two types of ionizing radiation: nonparticulate gamma and X rays and particulate alpha and beta particles, neutrons and protons. Both forms can transfer energy into a substance. If the energy is high enough, the incoming radiation may eject electrons from atoms along its path through the material.
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Types of Ionizing Radiation

Ionising radiation can be described as the transfer of energy in the form of particles such as alpha and beta particles or electromagnetic waves such as X-rays and gamma rays of a wavelength of nanometres or less or a frequency of 3 x hertz or more capable of producing ions directly or indirectly. Ionising radiation can occur naturally e. Ionising radiation has many uses in industry, such as energy production, manufacturing, medicine and research and produces many benefits to society.
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The increased use of radioisotopes has led to increased concerns over the effects of these materials on biological systems such as humans. All radioactive nuclides emit high-energy particles or electromagnetic waves. When this radiation encounters living cells, it can cause heating, break chemical bonds, or ionize molecules. The most serious biological damage results when these radioactive emissions fragment or ionize molecules.
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