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The Squad , Japanese style. The word can be translated as "Task Force" or "Squadron. Known for their synchronized posing ; also, a Standard Power-Up Pose is often used in many Sentai works during the Transformation Sequence. A key concept is that the collective team are more important than the individual, and that more can be achieved by working together. Although there had been several superhero teams on Japanese television, the granddaddy of the whole "color-coded superhero team" concept is the live-action Super Sentai toku franchise which began in , which is better known to western audiences as the source material for Power Rangers. A very western form of Sentai is to feature five teenagers receiving powers, with a transformation, i.
Parents: Fuq. Protect your children from adult content and block access to this site by using parental controls. All models were 18 years of age or older at the time of depiction. Share with friends:. You might also like these videos:.
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