My first fic for , though this could've been posted around Christmas, but bad connections delayed me in making this because I'm not in the mood to write. Now I can resume this. For the next and last chapter I wanna do for this lovely couple, if you recall the last part of the previous chapter, I did say about what I intend to do, about letting both of them experience something erotic and kinky. This is something that I've been thinking about, about letting Haruka do something erotic for Yuto just as the way some couples do in order to spice up their romance and relationship.
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Haruka Nogizaka is considered to be the perfect girl: smart, talented, and beautiful. Her secret lies in jeopardy when a boy in her class, Yuuto Ayase, finds out about this. He promises to keep her hobby a secret, but that might be harder than he or Haruka thinks it will be. Welcome to Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu , a series based on an unfinished light novel series which I swear is a requirement to have each anime season now in Japan.
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