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Code Geass | All The Tropes Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

That is all. She is an immortal woman and the former leader of the Geass Order that abandons the order and allies herself with Lelouch vi Britannia , granting him his Geass power and becoming his right-hand. As a child, C. She eventually ran away, and stumbled upon a Catholic church and was taken in by a nun. The nun asks her what she wants, and C. The nun actually carries Geass, and makes a contract with C. As the years went by, C.
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Parents Guide

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion is a two-season anime television series that aired from to ; it takes place in an Alternate History timeline where the British Empire won the Revolutionary War , but lost a later European conflict against Napoleon who went on to conquer the British Isles and forced the Empire into fleeing to America. The British-controlled America evolved into the Holy Britannian Empire, which eventually gained control of over a third of the world. Seven years before the beginning of the show's main story, Britannia launched an invasion of Japan to secure that country's stocks of a rare mineral that makes a new power source possible. Britannia's army of powerful Humongous Mecha —the "Knightmares"— ended the conflict in short order. After the victory, Britannia stripped Japan of its autonomy, its national identity, and even its name.
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Since it originally aired, the show garnered a significant fanbase, especially online, spwaning a number of fan works and derivatives. Code Geass originally started out as a 25 episode anime series created by the studio Sunrise, also known for their work on other mecha anime series such as the Gundam franchise. The show originally ran from October 5, to July 28, in Japan, but was also later picked up by Adult Swim and premiered on April 27,
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