7th grade dating quiz

With the new year finally here, chances are you're determined to totally crush it when it comes to school, friends and, well, your actual crush. Take this quiz to find out! The first week of school since winter break is over! Quick, how do you respond?
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Quiz - GirlsLife

This is a quiz to see if your crush likes you the same way you like them! This is probably more for middle-schoolers but high school works too! Note: This quiz is for girls only! For like a few seconds we both look at each other, and there are the best few seconds of my day! Oh wow yeah! Oh my goodness, yeah!
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7th grade dating quiz

Please leave empty: Kind of, lightly in the hall, or our knees touch when we're sitting next to each other. We hug, he bumps into me, and more. No, he doesn't even know who I am.
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Please leave empty:. I think so Probably not. My friends convinced me, and I guess I kind of want to? Yeah, we talk a lot!
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