Code of Conduct. Community Blog Advanced Search. Forum General Discussions General Discussion Female toons may as well wear thongs, high heels and patrol a street corner. Page 2 of 2 First 1 2 Jump to page: Results 16 to 30 of
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Girls in France as young as years-old are being damaged by the over-sexualisation of society according to a parliamentary report by UMP senator Chantal Jouanno published on Monday. Among other concerns, the report criticized the availability of padded-bras, high-heeled shoes and mini-thongs for eight-year old girls. The result, says the report, is that children are being psychologically damaged making them more vulnerable to serious problems such as anorexia. The report follows scandal in the media last year when Vogue fashion magazine used a year-old girl in a photo shoot. Thylane Blondeau, wearing heavy make-u p and revealing clothes, was photographed in a series of provocative poses. She has put forward a number of proposals to fight the problem. These include banning beauty competitions for children under under 16 or 18, preventing brand names from using children in their advertising campaigns and bringing back school uniforms for children of primary school age.
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