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This summer, Nick sent his first dick pic. Via Instagram, a mutual friend had connected Nick, who lives in Pennsylvania, with a woman in Michigan, because he thought they might hit it off. And they did. After a day or two of flirting over texts and phone calls, she sent him a nude picture.
Search Submit. The colonization of Africa by the European superpowers, starting with the Portuguese conquest of Ceuta in the early 15 th century to the Scramble for Africa under the New Imperialism in the 19 th century, has been a thoroughly discussed issue. It is coupled with the Transatlantic slave trade which is still affecting people of color in varying ways even after it was abolished over years ago.
Sign in. R min Action, Comedy, Crime. JJ Shaft, a cyber security expert with a degree from MIT, enlists his family's help to uncover the truth behind his best friend's untimely death.