And, from an evolutionary standpoint at least, sex is all about making babies. We have to further the human race, amiright? So, then why do some people get super horny when they're on their periods? So, it turns out that the ebbs and flows of a cisgender woman's sex drive aren't as simple as evolution would predict. This makes sense from a reproductive standpoint," she says. Bullock says.
Can You Have Sex on Your Period? Pros and Cons of Period Sex
This is how many girls are having sex on their period | Girlfriend
The virus may be present in menstrual blood. Therefore, doctors strongly encourage using a condom to decrease this risk. You may also be more prone to some infections in general at this time. Your vagina maintains a pH level of 3.
Can a Girl Get Pregnant if She Has Sex During Her Period?
The way most people talk about period sex, you'd think it was a natural disaster you'd try and run from as fast as you can — and to be fair, sometimes it feels like a flood. But surely not all women see it that way. In this week's Sex Talk Realness , Cosmopolitan. Lie back, grab a towel, and enjoy.
During your reproductive years, you will get a period roughly once a month. It's safe for both partners. Having sex on your period is entirely safe, although it can sometimes get messy. However, like everything else involving your period, you need to get prepared.