What you see is pinyin , literally 'spell out the sound'. It's a system for romanizing Chinese ideograms, used in mainland China for Mandarin, a. Different systems are used in Hong Kong , Taiwan , and Singapore, where the following is not applicable. Can you tell me how to read Chinese names? Sure, you can learn pinyin in 5 minutes. Um, how does pinyin differ from English?
Correct spelling for asia [Infographic] | tallermaintenancar.com
A spelling bee is a competition in which contestants are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of difficulty. To compete, contestants must memorize the spellings of words as written in dictionaries, and recite them accordingly. The concept is thought to have originated in the United States , and spelling bee events, along with variants, are now also held in some other countries around the world. Because most languages have a more predictable spelling system than English, spelling bees are common only in countries where English is spoken. Historically the word bee has been used to describe a get-together for communal work , like a husking bee, a quilting bee, or an apple bee. According to etymological research recorded in dictionaries, the word bee probably comes from dialectal been or bean meaning "help given by neighbors" , which came from Middle English bene meaning "prayer", "boon" and "extra service by a tenant to his lord".
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. How can I make vim accept all CJK characters as correctly spelled while still having the spell check language set to English? If it's easier, a rule to only check the spelling of Latin characters would work just as well in practice for me. If the name "cjk" is included East Asian characters are excluded from spell checking.
Top definition. A racist term used to describe the Chinese. Chink unknown. It is considered a racist term by Asian people. Chink is called to someone who is chinese.